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Raymond Lyrics


There goes another chance for Raymond
There goes another one night stand
There goes another future wife for him
There goes another honeymoon in Vegas

Yes they all keep running out on Raymond
all keep running out on
all keep running out on him
Walls keep coming in on
Yes they do
Yes they do

There goes another chance for Raymond
He would have bet his life on this one
There goes another cosy love nest
Why is he such a lousy catch

Yes they all keep running out on Raymond
all keep running out on
all keep running out on him
Walls keep coming in on
Yes they do
Yes they do

Was a hospital DJ
He thought he'd be in great demand

Yes they all keep running out on Raymond
all keep running out on
all keep running out on him
Walls keep coming in on
Yes they all keep closing in on Raymond
Walls keep crashing down on Raymond

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