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Dopamine Lyrics


Dopamine D2 Receptor A1
Now I'm fucking stuck
with this criminal gene

Dopamine D2 Receptor A1
Its nothing to do with my poverty

I can just blame it on my DNA
Lalala lalala lalala
The urge is getting stronger every single day
Lalala lalala lalala
I'm an anti-social personality
Lalala lalala lalala
Did I get this friction from my chemistry?
Lalala lalala lalala

Dopamine D2 Receptor A1
Born with a defect in my makeup

Dopamine D2 Receptor A1
It plays on my brain when I wake up

I have a pre-disposition for crime
Lalala lalala lalala
I can put it down to a bang on the head
Lalala lalala lalala
Can't be surgically removed from me
Lalala lalala lalala
Here I come the genetic freak

Dopamine D2 Receptor A1
Now I'm fucking stuck
with this criminal gene

Dopamine D2 Receptor A1
Its nothing to do with my poverty

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