Interviews Tommy - June 1998 - The Coranto
Joby MullensAFTER their succesful debut album Spiders, Liverpudlian band Space have followed it up with Tin Planet. Joby Mullens caught up with frontman Tommy Scott when they played at Middlesbrough Town Hall recently, to talk about the band’s origins, their second album, and their duet with Catatonia’s Cerys about a certain Welsh singer.
How did Space come into being?
It was just a natural progression of every band I’ve been in but obviously those bands had failed. I’ve had musicians around me who didn’t have the patience to hang on, but I have because it’s my baby. Space is basically every band I’ve been in since I was a kid, but it’s finally come to fruition now. It’s finally happening.
Where did the band’s name come from?
There’s no meaning really. We wish we hadn’t thought of it, to tell you the truth. We’ve got to go to France soon and we can’t be called Space because there’s already a band there called Space. We’re fighting legal battles at the moment, so over there we’ll be called ‘Avenging Angels’.
Do you think your new album will do better than the last?
I think it will do just the same. I’d be happy if it sold more but I don’t worry about it. We sold quite a lot of records with the last LP and we didn’t expect to do that. If we sell the same, I’ll be happy.
What is your favourite song from the new album?
My favourite is Bad Days because I sing it. I think it’s the best performance I’ve done, singing-wise. I actually sing my own voice on it, whereas in the others I’m acting because it’s like a story - I play the actor in the song. On Bad Days it’s quite personal though.
Why do you always have a story in your songs?
It interests me. I don’t just like boring songs which don’t mean anything. It doesn’t make a better record though, as there are songs with no stories which are brilliant records.
What do you get the biggest kick from?
Actually being in the studio because that’s why I originally started - to create music, to build music up, to paint colours. That’s what it’s all about. But I also love playing gigs when everyone’s bouncing and going mad.
What was it like to do a duet with Catatonia’s Cerys?
It was brilliant as we’ve known her for absolutely ages. We’ve supported them and toured with them. She’s got an amazing voice and we’re proud to have her on it. It was brilliant, but we won’t be doing another because it will spoil it.
How did the band cope with last year’s problems?
Me losing my voice turned out to be the best thing because everyone had two months off so everyone got their heads together. Jamie got better and then everything happened naturally. I went to see Jamie and he was all right - a lot better - so we forgave him.
How do you see the future for the band?
I don’t really look to the future. Basically, if we get through this year and go on to tour in American then I will be happy. But I’m not really thinking about the next LP just yet.
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