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I'm Unlike any Lifeform you've Ever Met Lyrics


Midnight creeper
A normal day sleeper
Waiting for the night
I fear I'm going to meet her
In these silences something may arise
Don't be afraid of my size
I'm unlike a lifeform you've ever met
Getting very hungry I won't eat you yet
Itching and scratching I feel I'm getting strong
Blood begin boiling I know it won't be long

I'm the midnight creeper
A normal day sleeper
Waiting for the night
I fear I'm going to meet her
In these silences something may arise
Don't be afraid of my size
I'm unlike a lifeform you've ever met
Getting very hungry I won't eat you yet
Itching and a-scratching I feel I'm getting strong
Blood begin a-boiling I know it won't be long

Move a little slower
Now I have to crawl

It has been established that persons who have recently died have been
Returning to life and committing acts of murder. Widespread
Investigation of reports from interval homes, morgues and hospitals
Has concluded that the unburied dead are coming back to life and
Seeking human victims. It's hard for us here to believe what we're
Reporting to you but it does seem to be a fact. Stay tuned to the
Broadcasting stations in your local area for this list of rescue

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